Reduce Your Debt . Minimize Your Taxes . Improve Your Cash Flow . Increase Your Wealth.
Legacy Planning Solutions is one of the leading financial Macro Management Firms with over 20 years of experience.
Knowing how your money works will help you regain control of your finances. Our Macro Managers will assist you regain control of your finances.
Together, we will create a plan that’s best suited for each stage of your financial life with it's unique set of circumstances.
After we complete your financial analysis, you will be better prepared for debt reduction, lower taxes, improved cash flow and more wealth.
Legacy Planning Solutions is one of the leading Financial Macro Management Firms with over 20 years of experience. Take our 90 day challenge and we will change your financial future! We Assist Our Clients to Create a Better Tomorrow. Assisting individuals and families is at the heart of what we do every day. Even in this time of unprecedented access to information, there remains a lack of solid financial knowledge among individuals and families. However, we are ready to provide the tools and guidance needed to assist clients make informed financial choices and meet their goals. Understanding fundamental financial concepts that give you the foundation to create a sound strategy. We assist you in creating a better tomorrow for your loved ones. Legacy Planning Solutions, We assist individuals and families: Reduce their Debt, Minimize their Taxes, Improve their Cash flow and Increase their Wealth so they can enjoy more protection and savings!
"This information is truly amazing. I thought I understood what Income for Life was all about, but I never envisioned [this]..."
Marie Dominique-Registered Nurse
" "Legacy Planning Solutions" are passionate about planning for the furure, and genuinley provide a world class service."
Subodika Katukurunde-Medical Student
"I love this concept. I stumbled upon it almost three years ago, and have been building my account ever since. [It] helped me get a new roof on my house this summer..."
Errol Brown-Accountant
"I'm very interested in planning for my children. I think they would benefit them a great deal as they go on in life."
Sandra Longmore-School Teacher
"I have already referred Legacy Planning Solutions to my friends and family..."
Samantha Louigene-Professor
"I've always struggled with my finances and never really understood pensions and savings. Legacy Planning Solutions sat down with me and went through all my finances and we decided what I could afford to save and live realistically on at the moment."
Anne Howard-Small Business Owner
" "Legacy Planning Solutions" took the time to explain everything so I would understand what was happening with my money. They informed me that I should think about income protection and leaving a legacy, two things I hadn't given much thought. Once again Legacy Planning Solutions helped me find all my individual needs and to suit my income. I can now rest assured that I have more savings, a retirement plan, and income protection."
Inga Sharma-Bank Manager
"Came to my rescue and gave me peace of mind...First class service for the past 10 years "Legacy Planning Solutions" provided us with sound professional advice. We genuinely trust and appreciate their professional expertise."
Patric Masiolle-CPA